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· LIZA MINNELLI & DAVID GEST: In a post titled, "Good luck dividing the shoe collection," blogger "Dong Resin" says it best: "I guess it was only a matter of time until Dave gave up hope of ever finding Liza's penis." As Ozzy Osbourne's son Jack astutely noted a long time ago, "[David Gest] is a fuckin' psycho. You know his deal, right? He was the biggest Judy Garland memorabilia collector. And then he gets the daughter. He gets the biggest prize out of the lot." Yes, Jack. David Gest is a fuckin' psycho.
Liza & David: the inside story [NY Post: Cindy Adams]

· WILLIAMSBURG IS OFFICIALLY PASSE: This weekend's NYT article on the impending demise of Williamsburg chic begins with the line "He listens to Electroclash music, has 40-plus pals on Friendster and creates art with discarded household paint under the moniker Scooter." That the NYT mentions Electroclash and Friendster in the same sentence (or at all) is proof that they're both too mainstream to be cool anymore. That it's declaring Williamsburg "over" is proof that it was officially over 6 to 9 months ago.
Has Billburg lost its cool? [NYT]

· BAMBI-HUNTING WAS A HOAX: The City of Las Vegas reports that "Bambi-hunting," a paintball game that involved shooting at naked women sponsored by a fictional company, was a hoax. Unbelievably, some journalists who fell for it are defending their bad reporting on the basis that the whole thing raised some important issues (about "men and women behaving badly.") [See here.] I'm just waiting for the NYT's Judith Miller to use that excuse to explain why it doesn't matter that she got duped by her sources. But that's another post.
Officials: bambi an elaborate hoax [LV Review Journal]