Karen O, from "New York band" the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, explains why she moved to Jersey*: "We live really close to the border of New York State. So, it's really kind of woodsy where we are and there's lots of farm activity and we're kind of isolated out here. And it's such a step up in the quality of life compared to living in New York for five years, where everything is ridiculously expensive for the total shittiness of the squalor you have to live in. I found myself toward the end, when I was living in Brooklyn, not really even going out much anymore. Such an expensive pastime, going out in New York. You just spend so much money in general just living there. I just ended up hanging out where I live anyway. We figured if we're not utilizing all the resources of New York City we might as well move somewhere a lot nicer** that's close by."
* Yes, Jersey.
** I guess "nicer" is relative.
Believe the hype: YYYs [Prefix mag]