· Tonight I saw Moby (with silent blonde girlfriend in tow) at the Clinton Library event down at Capitale . . . complete mob scene but we got to watch while the fabulous looking (no more Big Macs!) Clinton had his photo taken with everyone there, including the Moby-ster who looked thrilled.
· I was eating lunch at the Conde Nast cafeteria when who should walk in but Anna Wintour. I was staring off into space when she walked into my line of vision. As soon as I noticed it was her and told my lunch companion he said jokingly, "Don't look into her eyes." This cracked me up because I thought he meant I'd turn to stone or something. Actually, he says
they've all been told not to stare at her.

· I saw Mike Tyson today hanging out in front of Brazil Grill on 47th & 8th. At 1:30PM he emerged from one of those obnoxiously ginormous SUVs (a maroon Hummer to be exact). Looked like he was waiting for someone - a lunch date? His facial tattoo makes him look scary but Mr. Tyson played nice. He greeted kids with high-fives and handshakes before heading into the restaurant for lunch
· Danny DeVito at the Mermaid Inn. Hand caressing the bare back of young girl with a bun. He's very short.
· Strolling down 14th Street, a tan, tall, gingham shirt and khaki-clad Mark Badgley (of Badgley-Mischka fashion fame). The favourite designer of red carpet walkers went utterly unnoticed, but that probably has more to do with the neighbourhood he was in than anything else.
· Questionable Britney Spears sighting: "I just saw Miss B. Spears leaning out the back seat of an Escalade. She was stuck in Holland Tunnel traffic on Varick Street. The tinted window was halfway down and she was screaming "Big Titties!" at all passersby, and then turning to her fellow passengers for approval and encouragment. I assume she was on her way to Giants Stadium to yell the same thing at The Boss.."
· Just saw Rachel Weisz and boyfriend Darren Aronofsky (director of "Pi" and "Requiem for a Dream") walking down Houston in Soho. She's surprisingly short.
· Al Franken, walking west on E12th, between Broadway and University. Talking with some non-famous dude. About his radio show, perhaps? Looked very serious.
· I ran into Victoria Gotti near her new office at Star on Park Avenue recently and said hello - I'd interviewed her before - and she denied it was her. Friends at Star tell me she had just come from a meeting with Bonnie Fuller. But was she really wearing scruffy boots and no make-up for a meeting with the notoriously sartorially-savvy Fuller? Yes. Apparently her dad was dapper, but she's just not as worried about what she looks like.
· several time a day for the last few days Famke Jansen can be seen walking a Boston Terrier on and around King Street and 6th Avenue. Always makeupless and never wrangling a pooper scooper appliance or similiar device.
· Meg White waiting for/getting into a car last night round 12:30 at the Delta terminal, LGA. Her two handlers appeared agitated, chain puffing and kinda dorky while she casually stomped out her cigarette with her hipster flats. jack was nowhere in sight - damn!
· Jenna Bush on the corner of 23rd and Lexington [yesterday] morning at 8:50 AM. She was with another woman and some guy who was trying to get a cab. Jenna was wearing an over-sized "Don't Mess With Texas" t-shirt (really) and jeans and had her hair up on top of her head (for that just rolled out of bed look). After the guy got his cab a dark colored SUV pull up along 23rd with its rear lights flashing. She jumped in with the other woman and they drove off.
· I saw Stephen Malkmus (late of Pavement, currently solo with the Jicks) sitting on a bench in the tiny park on Sullivan between Prince and Spring. He was checking his voice mail on his cell phone and checking out girls as they passed. He looked good—like an aging hipster with good hair.
· A rather podgy Matthew Broderick eating dinner with a bald dude last night at Sevilla restaurant in the West Village around 11pm.