Tina Brown, prompted by conversations with former ImClone CEO Sam Waskal and ex-Sotheby's chief Al Taubman is telling prison jokes in her column: "On day one of his sentence, [Taubman] told me, an inmate approached him. 'He said: 'Don't worry, it s not that bad. Do you play golf?' 'I said: 'Yeah, I play golf.' 'You'll love Mondays then. Tennis?' 'Yeah, tennis is good.' 'Well, all we do on Tuesdays is play tennis. You like smoking cigars and playing billiards?' 'Sounds great.' 'Wednesdays will be good. You gay?' 'No.' 'You'll hate Thursdays then.'" She also mentions, if you're taking notes, that ex-cons (white collar, of course) are the party-guest-du-jour in the Hamptons right now.
The tabloid cliche of millionaire cons living it up at a club fed 'open prison' is way off [Times2]