Blogger "Dong Resin" argues that "metrosexual" connotes something other than its most frequently used definition ("the current crop of fashionable, foppish, dandyish and yet somehow sexually straight men. Guys with frosted hair and $100 tee shirts. Guys who loofah.") "'Metrosexual' is a clever term, but it's kind of a lingual dodge. You don't know right off the bat what's going on, because being a metrosexual is not a sexual behavior at all.
What you should do is call these boys what they are : fags. A true 'metrosexual' would want to fuck an entire city, a condition for which we already have a convenient term : 'Bloomberg'. I've mentioned in the past how I don't equate homosexuality with faggy behavior, due to my own firsthand experience with gay men, who for the most part seem essentially the same as straight guys, until they start with the rim jobs. Homosexuality is not a personality trait any more than being a blonde is a personality trait. Bad example. Any more than being green eyed, say."
Queer nation [Dong Resin's Joint]