· Felix Rohatyn, Jay-Z, at the Four Seasons, but sadly, not together: Yesterday afternoon at about 2:00 I saw Felix Rohatyn leaving the Grill Room at the Four Seasons as I was coming in. Shortly thereafter Jay-Z walked through the Grill Room on his way into the Pool Room, but disappointingly, did not return. Is it a sighting worth mentioning if you see someone where they work? Julian Niccolini, the co-owner, asked me if my (large) traveling bag was full of money, but apparently my answer wasn't amusing enough (didn't really hear him at first because I didn't think he was addressing me, then a mumbled "Oh, that it were") because he immediately busied himself straightening bar stools. Other gossip gleaned from Grill Room bartenders: all art in the private rooms has been sold to service the Vivendi debt, and they'll be very sorry to see the Picasso tapestry go, but they hate the Rosenquist in the Pool Room, so that can't be sold soon enough. Also, Geraldo will be having his annualXXXXX next wedding reception there on a Sunday in the near future.
· Interpol - Spotted the WHOLE friggin band at the Hyatt West Hollywood in Los Angeles on Monday afternoon. Roadie mentioned to Paul that he was in Gawker (!) Paul managed a disaffected giggle of some sort and went right back to looking indifferent. I made sure to ask for a room far away from the band and the desk clerk snarked, 'Don't worry, we keep those types segregated."

· I was in LAX buying magazines before boarding and heard
someone yelling and carrying on, quite loudly. Looked up to see Richard
(same look: tight little shorts, white 80"s style socks and aerobics
shoes, weird Brillo hair) very loudly encouraging a small crowd to take his
picture. Who would want a picture of him? But I was in L.A. so all logic doesn't
· For what it's worth: saw former French Open Champion and "Tales of the City " fan Jim Courier in baseball cap walking by "The Room" at 144 sullivan st.
· i saw andre leon talley today on the metro-north train heading for croton. he was wearing a navy blue velvet jacket that had "viva le andre" embroidered in gold on the back.
·Danny Devito and kids at the 3:15 showing of Bad Boys 2 at Kips Bay Loews yesterday. He physically looks like his Penguin character from the Batman movie, he waddled up the steps to there seats in the row in front of me.
· I'm not sure this counts since the location of the sighting is pretty obvious, but it's the first time I've seen him 'in the wild.' 10 a.m. ET at West and Albany Street, Daniel Libeskind with a tall, thin man in a grey suit. Libeskind was wearing a black jacket so wrinkled it looked like he had been keeping it in his back pocket. At the green light they crossed to the center island in the middle of West Street where Libeskind made broad passionate gestures in the air, indicating the space between the WTC site and the World Financial Center rooftops. The fellow in the grey suit kept patting him happily on the shoulder.
· Was out walking around downtown Vancouver when who
should I spot but a giant round head on a ten-year-old boy's body. None other than Tara Reid herself, in full makeup, blabbing on her cel phone. Standing up and intelligible and everything. Amazing!