Disgruntled insiders on Rocco di Spirito's new reality show "The Restaurant" dish about what really happened. One line cook writes:
"To set a few things straight:
1. There is not a more shameless breed than the waitstaff hired at this place. 'Oh!! The camera!! Me Me Me Me!!!! Guests are here? Whatever..'
2. Rocco Dispirito never once picked up a pan in the kitchen. Not one time. Not once. Opening night with the fire, NBC made sure he was filmed running around with the fire extinguisher. The man never cooked a goddamned thing.
3. The food blows. Tony walks around mashing plated dishes with a Peltex saying, 'This is not a French restaurant'. And the best cooks left because nobody was getting paid and the food sucked. Lots of Drama though, and like NBC told us..'The only real people are in the kitchen'. No shit."
The restaurant reality show [eGullet via TMN]