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· Flying back from Paris last night, we were behind Andre Leon Talley in the check-in line. He is very tall—looked over 6'5", wearing a velour tracksuit with his initials monogrammed, several very large pieces of LV luggage to be checked, and some Dior fur bags (t0 be carried on), trying to explain to security about Conde Nast and how he was an editor and had a Conde Nast expense account, and why he didn't have receipts for something. He had to produce a credit card to prove that he worked at Vogue, and the Conde Nast name didn't seem to impress French security. He was very pleasant when my husband (not initially knowing who ALT was), said that he recognized Andre's picture from a window display at Bergdorf. When we landed, his bags were among the first to arrive on the luggage carousel—they had special "priority tags", so his two porters were able to speed him on his way.
· Richie Havens, Saturday morning, JFK airport, catching the 10:30 am Jet Blue flight to West Palm Beach. (Gig that night in Stuart.) Dressed in Jeans, black t, some 45-72 necklaces, bracelets, & rings, trademark long beard. Accompanied by a male and female, as well as a cart with multiple guitars and additional luggage. Frequently approached on the flight. Did not offer us a rendition of "Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands." Nor anything else, for that reason. Brought his own headphones, though don't know if he was listening to his own stereo or watching inflight satellite TV. Approached by numerous passengers, but friendly to all as far as I could see. (In all honesty, while glad to see Havens and point him out to the ten year old, I was more excited by seeing ex-pitcher Jim Palmer in the West Palm airport in March.)

· Saturday in the early evening I was shopping at Lounge in SoHo and in front of me in line at the cash register was a Bush twin (the blond one). She was with a few friends, to whom she was talking loudly, and she was in no way trying to be inconspicuous. She's much thinner than I would have thought from pictures, and interestingly, I didn't see any secret-service types.
· I saw Calvin Klein in J&R on Thursday at about 6 pm, buying a digital camera. He had on a white t-shirt and jeans, and was with a cute younger man. He looked old, and as gay as a man can possibly look.
· OK, so I went to the underwear party at the Martinez Gallery on Friday. It was a bizarre, slightly smelly gathering. Around twelve, I think, the lights came up, revealing cellulite and uneven tans, and the naked models came out. Here's the skeevy part: the effete former curator of the Museum of Sex ordered one of the (female) models to put on a pair of fishnet stockings. She started to do so, and he barked "Slower! Put them on reeeeeaaaaally slowly!" She complied, looking pissed. *Then*, he produced an ice cube from somewhere, got up on stage with her, and ran it over her nipples and down her stomach. We decided the interaction must have been staged, since she didn't storm out in a huff, but it was still a bit odd—and she really did
look pissed.
· Jackie Mason on 57th and 6th. He's child sized; 5' 6'', barely 150 pounds. He's jacket was concealing; a pseudo-old style Member's Only jacket, but with a belt attached. Walking with an older fellow, although Jackie's an older fellow himself. Very funny hair, brushed back pompadour style, but even funnier because he's balding.