Blogger Bunsen when to Hollywood and got an intervention by Matt Perry, Drew Barrymore, Ben Affleck and Tony Robbinsfor being a starfucker. "'You're a starfucker,' [Perry] said, his eyes immediately breaking our gaze and pointed to the floor. I could hear Affleck sigh, and Robbins momentarily stopped smiling. Drew shifted uncomfortably in my lap, and I had to summon all my powers of imagination to conjure Ellen DeGeneres buttering bread to avoid an embarrassing erection. (Affleck s personal assistant had taken a call and slipped out to another room.)
'Starfucker,' said Affleck, nodding.
'Star-f'er,' said Drew, determined to keep this PG-13.
I started to speak, but Robbins silently placed a huge index finger across my lips."
I went to Hollywood and all I got was this lousy intervention [Bob from Accounting]