· LA Special Hilton Sisters Sighting: "Sighted, Sunday 5pm: Nicky Hilton—possessed of shopping bags, camoflage skirt, & confused sneer—walking with random other blonde (also camoflaged) on 2nd Street in Santa Monica (the antiseptic Soho of LA). Unclear whether confusion was caused by process of walking in LA, or perhaps just by walking."
· Friday at LaGuardia airport, Continental's terminal C: Who is that littlec man with the anti-grav hair and the cool black glasses? Why, it's Daniel Libeskind waiting to get through the metal detector! He's wearing a sort of loose, wrinkly, unstructured black jacket with a (probably required by law) American-flag pin.... But interesting: He's holding a U.S. passport. Did everyone but me know he's a citizen of this fine country? Another question: Why is he traveling alone? Don t people making hundreds of dollars an hour just for thinking about architecture always travel with an entourage? One security guard, after Libeskind gets through without anyone discovering his secret bombmaking equipment: 'That guy looks familiar.' Other TSA agent: 'Yeah, he's been in the paper a lot.'"

· I saw Moby yesterday afternoon (Sunday), semi-incognito in a baseball hat and glasses, browsing on the sidewalk in front of the hardware store on First Avenue and 7th Street.
· I saw Marisa Tomei walking down Hudson in the West Village (I was sitting outside at the White Horse) on Saturday night, at about 11-ish. Her hair was kind of greasy, she was wearing a five-year-old Prada dress, and she might have been a little tipsy. She was with a big group of people, none of whom I recognized.
· Took an out-of-town friend to the Empire State Building on Friday around noon and saw Terry Gilliam on the observation deck. He had a camcorder and was videotaping everything in sight. Research for an upcoming project, or just a tourist?
· "we were walking up lafayette street yesterday afternoon, enjoying the summer day, when i noticed a really ugly british bulldog being walked by a young man and woman. the bitch was so ugly and had teets that were practically dragging along the sidewalk. you could even hear them slapping against one another. as we passed the couple and this monstrosity, i turned to my girlfriend to ask if she saw the horror...before i could, she whispered, 'that's macauley culkin.' i looked back, and indeed it was...he was wearing a green baseball-type shirt, jeans, and a baseball hat (no sunglasses). his companion (not the bitch) was brunette and in the words of my girlfriend, 'a lot cuter than rachel miner.' i said, 'that's cool, but his dog is still really ugly...'"
· Saw a very cute Harry Connick, Jr. at the Apple store in Soho with an adorable little girl (presumably his daughter). Noticed that he was very friendly and polite with the staff.
· I was taking a smoke break from my job in the McGraw Hill building when I saw Conan O'Brien walking down 48th Street toward Rockefeller Center. This was on Friday at about 12:30 (p.m.), so I assume he was on the way to taping his show. I heard he's tall, but I mean, this was ridiculous. He's probably about 6'5", and REALLY SKINNY. I mean SUPER skinny. The suit is deceiving. He was walking down the street with this hipster-looking dude (a producer or something?), wearing a green Polo-type of shirt tucked into khakis. On his head was a black baseball cap. I didn't get a good look, but could it have been ... a trucker hat?"