Regarding the Lincoln Center post below and while I'm thinking about it: I don't mind giving away tickets, etc. to Gawker readers, as I assume they might want an opportunity to get free stuff. That said, it's not necessarily an endorsement.

I get deluged with press releases and invites all the time, so a lot of stuff just falls off my radar. If you didn't get a response the last time you offered me free shit for Gawker readers, I'm probably not ignoring you. I'm probably just distracted by entertaining hate mail from A.R.E. Weapons fans. ("You're like, so, totally lame! Paul Sevigny is, like, such a cool dude!") Then again, it depends. Were you the one who sent me some twenty-odd press releases about some client-side email application? Yes? Then I was ignoring you.

If you want me to pick up on your item or whatever you're trying to promote, a couple of guidelines:
- Email me personally. I never (intentionally) read press releases.
- Whatever you're marketing needs to be Gawker/New York-related.
If it's interesting and relevant, I'll definitely consider posting it.

Frankly, there's only one way to get guaranteed coverage on Gawker: buy an ad. We just don't do advertorials. My sell-out price is much higher than th Life is too short.

At any rate, if I post your event, note that your promotional copy will be edited of gratuitous exclamation marks (if not eliminated altogether.) We do have some standards.