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· Ex-editor Howell Raines hasn't been reading the NYT since he left. [Page Six]
· The Post reports that "Neil Simon, 76, is a candidate for kidney transplant, according to the buzz at Via Oreta restaurant on First Avenue, and his older brother Danny has offered to donate one of his." [NY Post]
· Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler (he of last week's Gawker stalker sightings) when intercepted by a fan with a camera in front of Cafe Habana, the Daily News reports, "took her camera. He's shouting at her, and grabs her by the wrist, saying, 'Let's see how you like it.' The rocker then said, 'You're going to stand there until I tell you not to.' The girl is standing there completely humiliated, and he's taking pictures and pictures, and all the bystanders were laughing their a— off." [NY Daily News]