Blogger Choire Sicha, checking off organ donor boxes on the back of his New York driver's license offers, in the event of his untimely demise, to leave his hair to Rudy Giuliani: "I'd like to leave my luxurious Gentile hair to Mr. Rudy Giuliani. His fascistic iron grip on morals and mores while Mayor left him no time to evolve beyond the crudest of ratty comb-overs. From beyond the grave, I could give him the one power he could never seize from the poor, infirm, and darkly-skinned: the power of not looking like a cracked-out wildebeest." Choire also generously offers to leave me his liver, which I'll probably be needing sooner rather than later. [Choire: you can just mail it to 356 West 40th St.]
I was inspired yesterday to finally become an organ donor [ChoireSicha]