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Blog aficionado (but non-blogger) Rob Sterling has been talking for months about starting a "bridge-and-tunnel" blog. When he raised the subject, friends would shake their heads and explain in hushed tones that Sterling was from Jersey. Rob, however, has finally put his money where his mouth is and started blog called "Boro6" (sixth boroughgeddit?) and the site already has a massive Manhattan inferiority complex. Now, you may think I'm just saying that to antagonize Rob. And you would be correct. But that doesn't mean that it's not true. Four of today's five posts mention Manhattani.e., "closest trailer park to Manhattan." Boro6 also helpfully explains where New Jersey is, for those of you who don't know: "Many residents of Manhattan are surprisingly ignorant as to the location of New Jersey, and many of those who do know where it is are unable to get there without the very expensive assistance of a taxi. New Jersey, it turns out, is located right next to Manhattan, across a large body of water called 'the Hudson River' that can be seen from the West Side. Next week: Boro6 answers the question 'Why would I ever need to go to New Jersey?'"