The Black Table kids have come up with their own New York walking tours, themed along the seven deadly sins. The "envy" tour, for example: "Greenwich Village and West Village. Explores landmarks and historic sites connected to the desire for others' traits, status or abilities. With a special stop at Emerson's quote about art and jealousy and a mistress and stuff. Will look in windows of shops you'll never be able to afford, both in Soho and on Fifth Ave. where we will also cross the streets near hotels whose managers would laugh in your face and then spit on you if you ever tried to come through their revolving door. Meets 1 p.m. Saturday at some dickhead's $550/mo. 3-bedroom rent-controlled loft in the West Village. Prick. No fee. Sponsored by Universal Studios' "2 Fast 2 Furious" — Cross the line one more time!"
The seven-deadly ways to spend your spare Times [BlackTable]