· Last night at around 10:45 p.m., Moby was standing slumped inside his LES vegan eatery teany, saying something on the lines of "I tried to convince them to serve more vegetarian food, but..." [E Broadway]
· I saw Ben Curtis on Sunday evening filming a commercial (a film? yikes) on second avenue around 9th street (on the east side of the street in front of the theater where Stomp seems to still be playing). The commercial apparently involved him pulling up to the curb in a mini-van and leaning out the window to face the camera. On the take I witnessed he must have overshot his mark, because he said "my bad" and gingerly put it in reverse to start over. Another stalker writes in: The Dell guy just moved into an apartment building in Williamsburg. He was overheard yelling at someone over furniture left in the hallway. Looks like he needs to smoke another doobie!
· July 14, about 6:10, Isaac Mizrahi, tan, skinny, wearing a beige car coat, walking a gorgeous tawny collie, with a friend, up 6th Avenue at 14th street.

· 10am: Saw Graydon Carter on Bank Street—near Waverly— about half an hour ago walking with a petite-ish blonde. He looked crazy-haired as always and seemed to be projecting deep regret about his decision to publish that ridiculously irresponsible 66 review in this month's Vanity Fair.
· At a 7-11 in Fairfield CT, I saw a gleaming white Volvo SUV with a license plate reading "LIZZIE G." Does she have a secret yen for slurpees. Or merely a cult of imitators?
· Parker Posey's "Strokes looking boyfriend" was Ryan Adams. My assistant saw them eating ice cream together at the flea market on Saturday.