· Jennifer Lopez after a photo shoot for the fashion house's new campaign. "The Louis Vuitton people said, 'Take anything you like,' " a source told Rush & Molloy. "She took just about everything. Shoes, dresses, bags. An assistant went down the row of tables and loaded up a duffle bag." [Rush & Molloy]
· The latest issue of Details is as gay as ever, with stories such as Tobey Maguire Takes Off the Tights [Page Six]
· VH1, the entertainment channel, is spamming internet users. "Have you spent the night with a rock, hip-hop, or pop star? We want to hear about it!" [Page Six]
· People magazine buried news that Tom Cruise was illiterate till 22, after tha actor agreed to a cover interview [Fox 411, from yesterday]
· Karim Anouz, director of Madame Sata, the movie about a Rio kickboxing crossdresser, consoled himself at the release party at Flow. "At least I'm getting good sex tonight and it'll all be fine." [Musto]
· Barry Diller, Jason Binn, Ross Bleckner, Lizzie Grubman at Sunset Beach. [New York Social Diary]