· I spotted Steve Buscemi on his way backstage at the Elvis Costello show at Summerstage on Friday night. He's apparently quite the fan - I hear he shows up every time Elvis plays in New York. Also spotted: Kate Hudson up near the front cheering for her husband, who was the (really dreadful...oops, did I say that out loud?) opening act.
· Saw Giselle at MAC store in Soho on Saturday afternoon. She was at the counter... looking stunning of course!
· Last night at the Tinkle comedy show at Pianos: Janeane Garofalo sporting a bleach-blond she-mullet (seriously), Carrie Brownstein from Sleater-Kinney checking out musical guest The Aislers Set, and Julia Stiles holding hands with a tall, lanky faux-indie looking dude. I say 'faux' because he was wearing sandals, so come on...
· Sunday: Hilary Swank, wearing sweatpants, flip-flips and a big t-shirt, crossing Christopher Street at Hudson, in the company of two men. Rather sloppy.
· Saturday: At the Chelsea flea markets, a seemingly not-entirely-sober Parker Posey pulling her Strokes-looking boyfriend (don't they all?) off of a piano he was playing. You had to see what she was wearing—badly streaked hair in a banana clip, dirty yellow-lensed sunglasses and some kind of ill-fitting mumu/pant/jumper thing. Saying she may not have been sober is being very kind.

· Bobby Flay, seen at the 3pm showing of Hairspray (52nd St near Broadway). He was with a young girl (daughter?), about 8 or 9 years old. He chatted with a few people during the intermission and seemed very nice.
· Seen emerging from bryant park on 42nd and 6th on saturday at 3pm, Rose McGowan looking lovely yet inconscipuous in a vivid green sun dress and strawberry blonde hair. accompanied by a fratastic thirty-something male, she lazily window-shopped Radio Shack before proceeding east.
· And again... Strawberry-blonde tart, Rose McGowan, at opening of Gravity Always Wins, the new way-the-fuck-off Broadway play by Marc Spitz. She was looking quite charming accompanied by requisite arm candy (David Zinczenko, Men's Health) and two gal pals who were pert and wide-eyed at the abs brandished about by the actor portraying the dead gay porn star in the delusional masturbatory fantasies of the germaphobic & eremitic son of the deviant erotomaniac tranfigured Michael Jackson incarnate.