Excerpts from a recent interview (not online yet) with New York hipster band A.R.E. Weapons (known less, perhaps, for their music than the fact that frontman Paul is the brother of Chloe Sevigny and band member Matt Mcauley dates her):

On Brown Bunny (the recent Vincent Gallo-directed flop that features, among other things, a graphic shot of Chloe Sevigny giving Gallo a blowjob):

Brain [McPeck]: [gets extremely thugly] We'll pull the fucking interview right now. Seriously, no more questions about it.
[Paul Sevigny walks up w/ lit joint and beers]
Paul: No more questions about what?
Brain: You don t wanna know man.
Paul: Oh. [clueless, laughs eerily like Beevis]

On hitting the Village Voice's Tricia Romano with a mic stand at the Park CD release party:
Paul: None of us know her.
Matt: We read what she wrote.
Paul: But she didn t even leave the party afterwards. She stayed there all fucking night with an ice pack to her head, like [makes semi-injured face] 'Boo hoo.'
Matt: Actually, I wrote her a letter, 'cause I was pissed because she never attempted to contact us. I don't even know why I was reading the Village Voice, I fucking hate that magaz newspaper magazine whatever you call it. But she was just randomly ripping into Paul, and she doesn't even give a reason why she doesn't like him. She just hates this band because Paul Sevigny's in it.
Paul: If there's a pit and people are dancing, it s not like, you can't fucking hold a band responsible for that. Has she even been to a fucking concert before?

Misc notes: [They also] called all magazines (including Vice, D&C) "dog shit," called Thom Yorke a "pussy faggot," complained about having "absolutely no money" but left show in a white stretch limo.