· Ashton Kutcher says the London Evening Standard made up a quote saying Demi Moore "was the hottest actress in Hollywood when I was growing up. Now I'm [bleeping] her," and is demanding a retraction. West Village drag bar Bar d'O has banned its namesake, Bridget Bardot, for making homophobic remarks in her memoir. [NY Daily News]
· Uber-flack Peggy Siegal advised her ex-boyfriend, Bruce Colley, to deny his affair with Kerry Kennedy Cuomo. Siegal protests, "What was he going to doadmit it to the newspapers?" [Page Six]
· Tara Reid complained to an LA radio show that the tabloids treat her unfairly. "It's not like I'm dancing on tables or getting kicked out of clubs or chugging down shots," she said, rather unbelievably. I'm at Page Six for a few days while Richard Johnson's out of town, so I asked the show's producer if Reid was sober when she said that. Producer's response: "Well, it was 8AM when we spoke with her... but I don't know." [Page Six]
· The Daily News' Joanna Molloy (reportedly a candidate for the editor position at Star magazine) on ex-US Weekly editor Bonnie Fuller, who was recently hired by Star parent company American Media: "What Bonnie is going to do with Star magazine will be the biggest transformation in the media since Greta von Susteren redid her face." [Page Six]
· Jayson Blair's ex-girlfriend is trying to get a book deal. [Page Six]
· Michael Jackson compares self to Jesus Christ: "'I'm not being a braggadocio or anything like that - but you know you're on top when they start throwing arrows at you. Even Jesus was crucified. People who bring light into the world, from Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King to Jesus Christ, even myself." [Liz Smith]