· Moby, scruffy & annoying, and Michael "soy bomb" Portnoy (does he count?) at the record release party for Fannypack ("Cameltoe") at the Tribeca Grand.
· They were filming Sex and the City in Soho House yesterday (mostly on the roof). Apparently one of the storylines in an upcoming episode is the old women trying to get in without a member on hand. By the way, the two girls with the Stroke (although I had no idea he was one until i read gawker) were lovely.
· Okay, it's not exactly a Graydon-spotting, or even a James Truman-spotting, but Felix [the Conde Nast grill guy] is working the tossed salad station in the CNP cafeteria today. He made my salad. It approaches the best custom-tossed salad I've ever had, and if it were up to me, I think he's ready to go back to the grill.

· I saw Carlos Leon holding little Madonna's daugher's hand on 86th and Broadway. They looked COMPLETELY lost and kept walking back and forth...holding hands. Lola is totally gorgeous.
· Martha Plimpton - I keep seeing Martha Plimpton in the East 4th Street bar with a few cohorts. She is always in the smokers section (20ft from the door) and on her cell phone too. She nearly tripped me last time by accident because I was checking out the fly-girl sitting a table over and Martha got up for some reason (probably to stop me from leering). Incidentally she is in a play or something across the street.
· Spotted Erin from the For Love or Money reality show yesterday on an American Airlines flight from JFK to SFO. She looked like a million bucks in rather pedestrian jeans and a tank top. Opting out of the Star Trek movie the brilliant entertainment people at American selected for the seven hour flight, she slept the duration of the trip with her forehead resting on the seat in front of her. She was flying coach which makes me think she should have taken the check rather than pushing her luck in a second installment of the rather coach class series.
· I saw Kate Hudson and her husband (always forget his name) coming out of the Thompson Hotel last night. She was wearing a pretty flowered dress and black sandals and talking loudly (but not angrily) on her cell phone. They got in some unfancy car parked in front and drove away. Not showing yet...
· Recently saw McCauley Culkin walking along Broadway in Soho. Although it was quite hot, he was wearing a jacket with the collar turned up (as if to hide as much of his face as possible), large sunglasses, and a yankee baseball cap.
· i saw a bearded Harvey Kietel getting his car out of a garage near the 77th Street 4-5-6 Subway stop this morning...
· So, since you mentioned David Cross being in Soho House, I guess he is a real celeb. he lives around 3rd St. and Ave A., and you can find him getting pizza for lunch at the Two Boots at that corner sometimes. He apparently has been complaining about people staring at him since he moved to the city. He looks like a nice, regular 30 something east village guy.
· Last night, Franklin Street and West Broadway, a very hot looking Darryl Hannah and a very dumpy looking Jon Lovitz, very much together, asking me for directions to the Tribeca Grand.