· [Vogue] editor Anna Wintour reportedly nixed a cover of J-Lo because she thought J-Lo "wasn't Vogue material." [Page Six]
· Wide Right lead singer Leah Archibald's explanation for their song about Vincent Gallo: too much Gallo in Buffalo 66 (and too much of Gallo's "manhood") [Page Six]
· Quentin Tarantino on the fake blood he plans to use in his upcoming flick, "Kill Bill": "I don't want horror movie blood, all right? I want Samurai blood. You can't pour this raspberry pancake syrup on a sword and have it look good. You have to have this special kind of blood that you only see in Samurai movies." [Page Six]
· Johnson and Johnson heiress Casey Johnson on why she left New York: "I left New York because all they care about [is] if you mess up...I mean, I turned up on Page Six once because my thong was showing." [Page Six]
· The Daily News reports that "Bruce Colley, the polo-playing club owner who is said to have come between Andrew Cuomo and his wife, Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, is an investor in the new Off-Broadway show, 'Pieces of Ass.' (a kind of "Vagina Monologues" for Scores girls.) [NY Daily News]