A visitor reports that all is normal in the Hamptons: "I thought I'd share my experience in the Hampton's when I was visiting NYC last week. The first thing i saw when we got out of the car in Easthampton was some 3 or 4 year old tyke drop his drawers and start pissing wildly all over the sidewalk. We were busy trying to put on some airs, so it made good conversation about how much the Hampton's have gone downhill when one has to watch people urinate in the streets. The only other good thing to come out of that trip, other than the vineyard tasting tour home, was the Easthampton Church on the road into town. I would like to assume it was the work of vandals, but since no one in the area seems to think they exist there, I am left to surmise it was indeed legitimate. The church readerboard in front had the following golden quote from God: 'The rich shall ruleth over the poor' on both sides. Then I found out it's an actual proverb. Damn." [Ed.I'm pretty sure it's "the poor shall ruleth over the rich."]