Per this morning's Star magazine mock-up, Norman Mailer on Britney Spears: "Dear Britney, Our New Jersey Meadowlands thrummed with anticipation over your appearance. The tension, I am sure, felled men lesser than myself, for I am used to staring into the crucible of the American experience and emerging perhaps singed, but unbowed. But I must confess that in your presence I grow a touch crazy and perhaps find myself 'in too deep,' as you so aptly put it." Alright, not really. But it's still funny. See also, J.D. Salinger on Britney: "Dear Miss Spears, This morning, I saw your cover spread in what I thought was the goddam Times Magazine. Later, my major domo informed me that I was actually reading Rolling Stone, which explains why it seemed like William Safire devoted so goddam much of this week s column to some phony named 'Lil' Kim.'"
The Britney Papers [Modern Humorist]