Former Milli Vanilli manager Todd Headlee, now representing American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken, begs fans to please, please buy Clay's single (which can be purchased for "the price of a hamburger."):

Hi Again!
I've been getting a great deal of e-mail from people concerned whether or not Clay's single will make it to Platinum, and also if he can regain the #1 spot on Billboard.
[Ed.Who exactly are these "concerned" people? Can we please ban them from our Internet?] I'm pretty certain Clay will go Platinum, but the regaining of the Billboard #1 is a long-shot at best...but not impossible. Stranger things have happened. I have an idea. Let's start a "CLAY IT FORWARD" 4th of July Weekend Project (let's dub it "MR. INDEPENDENT" — Hee-Hee) If all of Clay's hard core fans go out and buy just ONE more Clay single at your local retailer or record store this weekend in the true spirit of "Clay It Foward" and pass it on to a friend — who knows — we may quite possibly initiate a SALES SURGE over the weekend that would top Clay's sales of last week of 91,000 and rocket him back to #1. I figure a CD is about the price of a hamburger.

What'ya say we
forgo the burger and buy a CD instead? If that happens, it should
guarantee Clay Platinum status, and quite possibly the impossible
could become the possible, and Clay could surge back to #1. Just a
thought..Tawk amongst yourselves

Any of you who go on other boards, please post this message there so
that everyone will see it if possible this weekend. I simply have no
time to make it to the other boards anymore (Ugh!) Thanks Edited by:
ToddVenice at: 7/4/03 12:21 pm

Info on Todd Venice, who runs his own Board to counsel Clay fans:

Todd Venice's Clay Board:

Todd Venice project:

More Todd Venice Background Info: