· I heard a good story about Noth and John Corbett trying to talk their way into Lotus (accompanied by two young ladies) — Chris Noth was yelling at the bouncer "but I'm on Sex and the City." That was last year. I personally saw Noth at the Crunch on Lafayette last Tuesday, apparently trying to work off the innertube he keeps under his shirt. He was lying on his back on one of those massage tables, in full workout gear, while a personal trainer pulled Noth's legs up and down. He should know that you can't pay someone to exercise for you.
· Back a thousand years ago, when i first moved to NYC, a hipster girl wasn't worth her salt unless she'd been hit on and then hooked up with a Beastie Boy. Then it became Matt Dillion, then i dunno who. I kinda got outta the scene, maybe it was David Spade?? Or Carson Daly ? ? but fer the last few years its been chris noth. Same m.o.: hits on chicks who he figures aren't sure he's famous, then pulls out some article written about him. I'm 40 now, and believe me, not a blonde Hilton sister lookalike, but he (MR "Big" ) tried to pick meup a few years ago at that place at 10th & Bway. Its like a construction worker—you know you're slippin' if Chris Noth/Beastie du jour / Matt Dillon doesn't hit on you.