· My friend had a Tara Reid sighting. Saturday night, approximately 2 am, at Jet East. Tara Reid pulled a Tara Reid in the bathroom. Security reported "she's at it again." I think we all know what that means.
· I saw Kirsten Dunst eating at Teany (Moby's lower east side cafe) on Friday June 20, 2003. She was with a friend. They shared a salad (which Kirstin ate with her fingers) and shared a soup. Kirsten then asked the waiter to bring her warm soy milk. When he brought it to her, she took out a big container of protein powder and put a lot of it in the soy milk. she also asked the waiter to turn down the AC. after they finished, she and her friend left and lit up cigarettes on the way out.
· I used to work the door at Twilo back in '94-'95 and one night Chris Noth tried to push his way past the line like he was entitled to some sort of celebrity treatment. I knew who he was but I told him he needed to get in line if he was interested in coming in. He then tried to be buddy-buddy with me and draw a comparison between his brown designer-type leather coat and my black vintage Philadelphia Police Officers coat ("Hey man look we have the same coat!"). I hate it when celebrities feel they deserve special treatment, especially while acting cocky. All you have to do is be cool and appreciative and I'll take care of you.

· 7/6 - Saw Maxwell breeze by on bicycle, 4:00 today, heading east on Houston near Crosby. He looked sweaty and a little crazy, humming to himself.
· 7/5 - Just passed Daniel Libeskind on an empty stretch of Third Avenue and 66th St. He was ambling along, looking all around, but at nothing in particular, with a slightly sheepish grin. He reminded me a bit of Harry, the Rainman-like kid in Spellbound. I gave him the standard "I recognize you, you recognize me" head nod, but since he doesn't know me, he didn't return the gesture.
· While walking down Price Street in SoHo, doing the pedestrian slalom race between street vendors (sorry...artists), spacy tourists and Sunday shopgirls with a chip on their padded shoulders, I couldn't get past this one blonde of a certain age. She was completely entranced by the windows of J. Crew, then by the handiwork of the woman selling jewelry outside the store. I'm ready to say something rude, when she looks my way and I see that its Lisa Stansfield. Let it sink in.. yes, she's the one that did that "been around the world, blah, blah, blah" song. But now she's got cropped blonde hair the same color as her skin. Nice.
· 6/27 - Wyclef Jean and family going into airport security at JFK as we were leaving. He carried on his guitar and had amazing hair. Absolutely perfect. 6/27 - My wife and Julianna Marguiles ended up arm-checking each other on the sidewalk in Soho as both seemed stubborn about having to move for the other. Julianna is VERY VERY teensy and I was glad there was no breeze as she would have blown away. 7/1 - Howard Stern jogging on the boardwalk at Coney Island. He's very tall, shockingly white, and surprisingly well-toned.
· Neve Campbell last Tuesday in front of Barnard College adjusting the stockings on her maroon and white flowered dress in preparation for a scene a surrounding crew was filming. She's more petite than expected and her eyes are brighter blue. Pretty skin. The most interesting thing wasn't so much that I saw her, but her reaction to ME. As I turned my head to get a look at what was going on (it wasn't at first obvious it was a location shoot), I noticed her but pretended not to, so as not to make her uncomfortable or be, well, a gawker. But she stared at ME like I was the celeb and was still looking at me when I turned my head half a block (or more) later. Maybe her scenes with Denise Richards in Wild Things weren't all acting—I'm a girl. Or maybe it was just the bright red and teal gypsy skirt I was wearing that made her lock eyes with me. Anyways, this one sure trumps my previous sightings: Dennis Franz downtown and Cynthia Nixon in Central Park (didn't get a good look that time)