The WaPo explains the historical progression of the New Jersey "guido": "One slang dictionary dates the emergence of the term guido to the late '80s. Back then, he wore baggy-legged Z. Cavaricci pants, tank tops and gold chains and drove a souped-up Mustang or Camaro IROC-Z. The guidette kabuki'd her hair into a massive nest guarded by an iron fence of bangs. In the '80s and '90s, the term guido was often derisive and directed at Italians, but the community was ethnically broader than's guido is a modern, sophisticated creature — that although the guido persists, his Z. Cavariccis do not. The old IROC-Z has been replaced by the BMW 330 as the ideal form of transportation. The guidette's hair is no longer big — it is flat as an ironed skirt or limp and curly, like seaweed." See also the New Jersey Guido website, which sells t-shirts that read, "I am a New Jersey guido. A well refined, clean cut, muscle toned, fist pumping, girlfriend stealing, machine. You got a problem with that?" And: "If a sexy guidette is reading you doin?")
Strutting season [WaPo]