While smoking outdoors at La Pescadou on Thursday post-dinner at Da Silvano, [Ed.balsamic vinegar in a spray bottle? Why? Spiega, per favore.] I was handed a flyer by the enthusiastic Paul Newman-ish looking owner. It reads:

Please don't forget that employees must wash their hands before returning to work by order of the New York City Department of Health.

Please, don't forget that cigarette smoking is no longer permitted here. So sorry. By order of the New York City Fascist Dept. of Bloomberg.

Please, don't forget that Le Pescadou is responsible for the Real Estate tax increase of 18%. (Try 21%, Oh boy.) By order of the New York City Fascist Dept. of Bloomberg.

Please, don't forget that Le Pescadou's cafe license is being raised by 300 to 400%, By order of the New York City Fascist Dept. of Bloomberg.

Please, don' t forget that Le Pescadou is a French Canadian restaurant and was not responsible for 9/11. Is Bloomberg trying to kill all small businesses in downtown New York or is he just an uncaring rat bastard? Well, at least the trains are running on time.

Mr. Le Pescadou has been handing these flyers out since April, it seems. Good for him. Perhaps he can steal an ally from his usual table at Silvano's.