A reader on Sex in the City's "Mr. Big," Chris Noth: "A couple of years back, I ran into Noth over by 51st and, like, Broadway. At the time I didn't have a television set, so I was weird about seeing celebrities, since I knew that I recognized them, but couldn't figure out how. So I went up to Noth and asked if he'd been a grad student at my college in California. He said no, but he'd gone to Berkeley (which I later learned was bullshit). The man looked haggard. Amen to the grey facial hair and big gut. I, in my youthful naivete (I was, like 22), agreed to come have a drink with him, at this Italian place nearby (that has his picture on it), and he ordered me a corona (or was it a heineken? i don't remember), and then let it fall that he's an actor. He goes, I was on Law and Order! I'm on Sex in the City! Of course, I'd never seen Sex in the City at that point, not having a television. I said, no you weren't. And he goes, yes I was! Then he gets the bartender to agree, and pulls out this article about him in Jane Magazine. That's me! He said, and I said, no it wasn't. He looked so much better in the article. He just bore a resemblance to the Noth in the picture Kind of amazing. I was rather drunk after only one beer, and the man kept putting his hand on my thigh. That freaked my little naive mind out, and so I scadaddled out of the bar."