The full text of CAA junior employee Erin O'Brien's email, mentioned in today's gossip roundup is below. (I suppose the "California" part explains the hyperbole and gratuitous overuse of exclamation marks.)

> > Subject: Erin O'Brien's Info....
> >
> > Hello everyone! It's been quite a while since I have been in touch with many of you (especially those of you who I finally got from Emily's address book). In case you have not heard, three weeks ago I finally made my move back to CALIFORNIA!!! It is so great to be back...not that Chicago wasn't the best experience in the world, but it definitely feels right to be back. It's incredible how much has already fallen into must have been fate. You probably know that I am living with Megan and Emily in an AWESOME house in Santa Monica (ten blocks from the beach...Jealous?) and I just got the job I was dying to get! I am working at Creative Artists Agency (CAA) which is the top Talent Agency in the nation (I'm sure it's cuz I'm working here)...awesome perks and really good connections. The building is in Beverly Hills, is gorgeous and the staff is really young and fun! (lot's of cute boys toooo) I am the assistant to the head of Business and Legal Affairs and there seems to be great upward mobility (My desk is also right next to the New Music Department, so maybe I can become a rock star while I'm at it). So far I have seen Carlos Santana, Samuel Jackson, and Julia Roberts...and it's my first week!!! (Now your reallllllly jealous). I plan on having Josh Hartnet wrapped around my finger by about December...what do you think? :) You should see me in awe as I sit behind my little desk and take it all in...I'm such a star-struck DORK! But this industry is sooo exciting, it's fast-paced and very blunt...which I love....a far cry from teaching first grade!

Well...that's my story! My new email is:
new address is:
new cel phone:
I Miss and love you all and can't wait to hear back from you!!!

For those of you Northern Cali folk....I can't wait to see you all in October for Erica's golf tourney...or hopefully sooner! P.S.....NO WAY!!! Ozzy Osborne just walked right by my desk!!! In his little adidas pants with his hair all in his face, looking like Ozzy! That's soooo cool!