Or, not surprisingly, Soho House. Ali Wolfe and George Gurley from the Observer talk to young Brits in New York and explore the differences between Americans and Englishmen. Says one young British woman: "People notice I bite my nails. Oh, my Godhow can I go out without my nails being perfect? There s this whole thing about pubic hair. Nobody in New York seems to have pubic hair anymore. And if you do have pubic hair, it can only be a very thin strip going down there. And it has to be ruthlessly policed. The grooming thing, I think, makes you feel more self-consciousbut slightly proud that you've got horny toenails or whatever and you look like a hobbit." [Ed.As for the rest of the article, I thought the soggy carpets were endearing...and by "endearing" I mean "another Gawker post."]
The Brit Pack unpacks [Observer]