"Dong Resin" on hipster slang:
"Listen to me very carefully :
Nothing is 'deck', okay? Nothing.
In six months, when you revert back to calling it 'cool', that one friend of yours in the grey AC/DC tee shirt will be right there to remind you of what a hipster douchebag you are for using 'deck'.
Head it off at the pass, willya? Trust me. Dong_resin's your buddy. Dong resin cares.
Also, it's not 'off the hook'. 'Off the hook' means you're no longer in trouble. 'Out of hand' is what you think you mean, intriguingly crazy.
Lil' Kim is not so much 'off the hook' as she is 'out of hand', whereas Lizzie Grubman is a 'cunt'."
[Ed.I'm trying not to think too hard about the fact that I'm endorsing the opinion of someone named "dong resin."]
Y bother [Dong Resin's joint]