· I saw Andrew McCarthy enter Moustache in Greenwich Village to show off his baby to the staff. They seemed delighted to see him. I did too, until I realized that he isn't famous anymore. Then I realized I had not done much with my life since he was famous, and it bummed me out. I hope this doesn't happen to me anymore, so I wish that people like Andrew McCarthy would stay indoors.
· 6/29 12pm. Helen Hunt eating brunch with a small group at Odeon. We were a party of ten about to be seated at the table next to hers in the nearly-empty restaurant. Before we were even seated, however, Ms. Hunt summoned the hostess and apparently asked to be moved somewhere far, far away from us.

· spotted saturday night: jimmy fallon and friend buying a birthday cake for "michelle" at veniero's. practically ran into the guy who lost to bloomberg for mayor (how soon we forget...) in grand central on sunday. he was with another man sporting a john kerry button.
· On the 12.09 LIRR to Long Beach this Saturday saw Matthew Del Negro, ya know he played Tony's nephew on the Soprano's last season. Anyway the gay guy sitting next to me noticed he had the longest 2nd toe. Neither one of us could place him at the time but we knew we knew him and that his 2nd toe was really long. Regardless, it was good to know Long Beach wasn't too low brow for an EW 'it' guy.
· saw Ed Norton around midnightish at the other bar, greenwich-west 10th. he had a mullet like haircut and was much shorter. he was outside, talking secretively on his cell phone. saw db sweeney (remember the cutting edge?) at battery park, 6:45ish reading on a bench by the water. he doesn't look as old as i expected him to.
· Saturday, Drew Barrymore and Fabrizio walking on Broadway at 12th toward Union Square. She looked fantastic and was positively glowing. He's a cutie, too. And last night, en route to Craftbar, crossed paths with the unmistakeable mutton-chops and stringy hair of culinary favorite son Wylie Dufresne (and lithe companion). My boyfriend said, "That's Wylie Dufresne? He looks so Seattle." Ouch.
· Zac Posen sitting on the patio at Bar Pitti on 6th Ave. Saturday at 1:30 PM. He was with a young man and a young woman, but I didn't recognize them. He was wearing pointy cowoy boots.