The Washington Post reports that New Yorkers are now sending their dogs to yoga classes. The Post writes of the last class: "the women stretched their dogsall of them on the small sideto the left and the right and lifted them in their arms like furry weights. From time to time, they paused to pull the wandering dogs back to their mats and shush their barks. 'Give him a little love,' yoga instructor Suzi Teitelman, 31, told her students. 'Come forward, give him a kiss.'" This is clearly part of a conspiracy on the part of some out-of-stater to make New Yorkers look like morons. Or at least that's what I'm going to tell myself. They shipped the dog yoga instructor and the class participants in from another state and staged the whole thing. No New Yorker with any self-respect would take their dog to yoga class. We may not be allowed to smoke in bars, but it's not San Francisco just yet.
New York dogs try yoga for stress relief [Reuters via WaPo]