· Favorite flack Lizzie Grubman has a new gig as a gossip columnist for radio station Blink 102.7. [Page Six]
· "If I had Paris Hilton's [bleep] on my computer, that's all I'd look at" - Liz Phair in GQ, "on finding out that a photo of the hot-blooded hotel heiress' nether region was circulating on the Internet." [Page Six]
· Actress (and drama queen, apparently) Faye Dunaway began throwing food at an assistant after discovering the assistant had brought her plums instead of plum tomatoes. She also flew into a rage when a restuarant refused to let her pay half price for a portion of pasta salad, protesting, "I'm Faye Dunaway and restaurants always give me what I want!" [Page Six]
· London's Revolver Entertainment is selling a "best of" video of Iraqi information minister Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf's greatest quotes. [Page Six]
· Cindy Adams previews "The New York Chronology", a sort of New York encyclopedia being published by HarperCollins. [Cindy Adams]
· Composer Philip Glass on his cabdriving experiece in the early 70s when two robbers got into his cab: "They hopped in the backseat with guns and made me drive like I was their getaway guy. I was afraid they would kill me. When they got to their destination, they just hopped out and walked away high-fiving - without paying me, of course." [NY Daily News]