Blogger Nil by Mouth on recent NYC weather: "No longer is the weather a backdrop to my emotional wobbles. It's not a topic to bring up when there s nothing left to say. It s the horseman of the fucking apocalypse. If I were Christian I'd go to Church. If I were a Muslim I'd get on a plane to Mecca, if I were a better Jew I might feel guilty about not being a better Jew. Instead of all that, I will just look back on this year as the time when even the weather decided to choose sides. And of course, he chose evil. I guess you can't blame him, that's where all the money and glamour is. The good side just has a bunch of broke, ignored, frustrated do-gooders. Evil has the top shelf gin and those nice thick ice cubes that keep the drink cold for as long as it takes. Fuckers."
The Mexican hound [Nil by Mouth]