How to get published when you can't get published: write about not getting published. (It helps if you date a celebrity writer first.) Corrections author Jonathan Franzen's girlfriend [Ed.or is it ex girlfriend now? I'm not up to date on my Jonathan Franzen stalking] writes about her inability to get published and her jealousy of Franzen: "When his novel was finally done, the man handed it in and his editor called every hundred pages or so to say he was loving it, then called to say he was cutting the cheque, and finally called to say he wanted to take the man and me out for a celebratory dinner. Halfway through the meal, when the editor said something polite about wanting to read some of my work, I did not know what to say, and the man intervened: 'You did read it, actually. You passed on it.'"
Envy [Guardian via nchicha]