· Ashton Kutcher is on the trading floor of the investment bank I work at right now. There's been a stampede of women to the floor from all over the company. One trader, checking out all the chicks, just yelled "I wish my beach house was like this."
· Arriving early to assure good seats for the 6:15 showing of The Hulk on Saturday, we were very excited when Sam Rockwell stole an entire row of seats from us because "there's like 10 of us," he grumbled. We very graciously accepted the row directly in front of Sam as, sadly, we were only 7. Looking ever the disheveled sexy mess he usually is, Sam waited anxiously "for this movie to suck" along with his mother(?) and several other completely unimportant non-celebs. He was joined shortly thereafter by Callie Thorne. They shared a large popcorn and discussed marriage (she "doesn't believe in it") until Justin Theroux arrived, sat between them, and began looking very snuggly with Callie. Justin, not wanting to be recognized, came incognito dressing like every character he's ever played on film or television and wearing his signature horn-rimmed black prescription sunglasses throughout the entire movie. After the movie, on the way to the bathroom, I spotted Sam once again, this time, admiring himself in the poster of his upcoming movie "Matchstick Men." Upon hearing that he was put in the poster Sam said, "Cool, they don't usually do that."

· Saw Federico Castellucio (Furio on the Sopranos) at Bungalow 8, raising a glass of champagne to honor Razor Magazine Publisher Richard Botto for being selected as one of People Magazines Hottest Bachelors
· Drew Barrymore and boyfriend( Fabritizio?) getting into our cab at 2 PM yesterday at Mercer & Houston. She looked great and has long blond hair now. Boyfriend is super skinny and not that tall.
· Robert Pascali and James Maio (financial backers and managers to the $2 billion Nguyen Hedge fund) lunching at the newly opened Ulysses on Stone Street in the financial district. Robert was looking his usual self deciding on what to order, while James seemed to be hitting on all the waitresses. Both were dressed as though they just raided both Zegna and Barney's at the same time. Considering the number of people with them it looked as though the market was furtherest from their mind.
· Lunch at Bar Pitti became a front row seat at location shoot for Sex & the City — all four girls, including Sarah Jessica Parker were at Da Silvano (shooting one of their regular brunch scenes, I guess). My friend spotted Phillip Seymour Hoffman also enjoring lunch right behind us with baby and perhaps wife. Then met a friend in SoHo for a drink and ran into Simon Baker (L.A. Confidential and The Guardian) on Thompson and Broome. I'd "had a couple" so started chatting to Simon during which time Sandra Bullock and Matthew McConaughey casually slipped by!
· I saw Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith at the Apple Store in Soho. Antonio brought along a video camera and was asking a salesperson about it. Steve Jobs' big Power Mac masturbatory session was being blasted through the store, and Antonio complained that he couldn't hear because "that man is talking very loudly". I must be out of it, but this is the first time I realized that Melanie TOWERS over him.