· Miramax chief Harvey Weinstein is turning the broadway musical "Damn Yankees" into a movie. [NY Daily News]
· Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas author Hunter S. Thompson says he bailed on a panel last week because he injured his back doing "honeymoon activities" with his new bride. [Page Six]
· Sighted: "Demi Moore dancing atop a table to Bananarama's 'Cruel Summer' at Flow Saturday night after enjoying several Turi vodka and Red Bull cocktails with Ashton Kutcher and eight pals." [Page Six]
· Words of wisdom from Courtney Love: ""I shouldn't have done the backside. Nobody should lipo their butt. I've flattened my perfect fat ass." [Cindy Adams]
· Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss on what she does after sex: "I hope he's gone, and if not, I call him a taxi." [Liz Smith]