· GQ food writer Alan Richman recalls Four Season co-owner Julian Niccolini bringing a rare bottle of wine and two glasses to late GQ editor Art Cooper: "Art said, 'Julian, you know I don't drink wine,' to which Julian answered, 'I know, Art, but Mr. Newhouse [that is, publisher Si Newhouse] is paying.' [NY Daily News]
· Page Six speculates that Bill Clinton and Canadian billionaire Belinda Stronach are more than just "close friends." [Page Six]
· Miami DJs crank call Castro. [Page Six]
· Cameron Diaz's eyes were reportedly digitally enhanced in "Charlie's Angels" to be bluer. [Page Six]
· Rosie O'Donnell on raising kids in Greenwich CT: "I don't know what kind of screwed up kids are in Greenwich. There's no Toys "R" Us there. Unfortunately, for me, my kids know what's in every aisle of the Times Square store." [Cindy Adams]