"Wylie Dufresne" (the quotations are there for a reason) exploits the comments section on Lockhart Steele's blog to defend his precious WD-50 after the NYT's William Grimes gave it two stars: "It won't surprise the media-savvy out there that Jayson Blair was just the tip of a throbbing iceberg of lies over at the New York Times. History has given us Pinocchio, Ollie North, and now the esteemed Willie Grimes. The foul stench of inaccuracy in his review crinkles up my delicate chef-nose. First, Willie claims that my restaurant was built in place of a bodega. In fact, it stands on top of what used to be a tobacco field. He claims that my lemon gnocchi is 'bitter and intrusive'. In fact, it is delicious..."
Grimes on WD-50 [Lockhart Steele]