· Sessa nightclub owner Stratis Morfogen was arrested Saturday and taken away in handcuffs for failing to pay a three-year-old speeding ticket. [NY Daily News]
· Mothers, hide your sons. Mariah Carey's on the prowl for a new boyfriend. [Page Six]
· Bill Clinton says total strangers are approaching him and asking to see his hands after Hillary wrote that they were what first attracted her. He adds that he's not running for mayor. [Page Six]
· Ah, those crazy Wall Street kids! "A floor broker at the New York Stock Exchange, Arthur Gross, was fined $1,000 yesterday after he sneaked comedian Gallagher onto the trading floor. Gallagher proceeded to pull a large chunk of watermelon from his pocket and then smash it over the head of another trader, Peter Tuchman, an unsuspecting victim in the prank, an insider said." [Page Six]