This is gonna break Lockhart Steele's little Lower East Side heart: the NYT's William Grimes gave WD-50 two stars. He pulls the old trick everyone does when dragged by enthusiastic friends to bad performance art, mediocre indie films, and forced to read excruciating awful books: "I thought it was, um, interesting. Preserved-lemon gnocchi? Iiiinteresting. The "terrine, a neat rectangle of firm, creamy chilled foie gras topped with anchovy fillets, like some satanic pastry"? Iiiinteresting. [Ed. noteanother good name for a Williamsburg electroclash band: the Satanic Pastries.] Flattened Stellar Bay oysters? Iiiinteresting. Two stars? Ooooh, not so interesting.
Chef's second course is food for thought [NYT]