A couple of people emailed about a post at another blog that I'd never seen before called "What fell out of Bunsen's head." Mr. Bunsen and I are apparently on some freakishly similar celebrity-obsessed mental plane. Proof: check out Bunsen's "one year anniversary" post: (Look familiar?)

A Year by the Numbers
89,126 words
395 posts
281 pages (Microsoft Word, 12 pt Times New Roman)
50 mentions of Harrison Ford
45 mentions of Winona
29 mentions of Total Fucking Victory
23 mentions of Michael Jackson
20 mentions of "sex" (synonyms and innuendo uncounted)
9 mentions of Hasselhoff
5 supermodel sandwiches
3 Asian babies adopted
1 screed on Travolta
1 crazy day with some mimes
1 mistaken obituary
and, sadly,
0 consummations of an intimate nature with Salma Hayek.
[Ed. notewhen I stop being completely weirded out by this, I may have to propose marriage.]
Superannuated [Bunsen's head]