· Dick Morris in a "Dear Hillary" letter says Bill Clinton tried to beat him up: "Bill ran after me, tackled me, threw me to the floor of the kitchen in the mansion and cocked his fist back to punch me. You grabbed his arm and, yelling at him to stop and get control of himself, pulled him off me. Then you walked me around the grounds of the mansion with your arm around me, saying, 'He only does that to people he loves.'" [Page Six]
· Harvey Weinstein says Talk failed "because I didn't know [bleep] about magazine publishing." [Page Six]
· Dave Eggers is dropping his last name for his next novel. It will simply read "by Dave." One word celebrities: Madonna, Cher, numerous porn stars and Dave Eggers. [Page Six]
· Renee Zellweger's dating Jack White from the White Stripes. [Page Six]
· Ken Courtney's being threatened by the Strokes' management company for making "I fucked the Strokes t-shirts" [NY Daily News]