· Having lunch [yesterday] at Michael's...Dominick Dunne by himself (waiting on Gore Vidal to arrive perhaps?) and American Idol host Ryan Seacrest. [EdRyan Seacrest at Michael's? Here's a frightening thought: American Idol book deal.]
· Van Morrison last night being escorted through a throng of fans and paparazzi on West 44th St. b/t 7th and 8th and into a waiting black Mercedes Looked surprisingly sober if diminutive. Conversation with tourist: Tourist: Who is that? Me: I think it's Van Morrison. Him: THAT'S Van Morrison??? Me: Yep. Him: That LITTLE guy? Me: Yep. Him: (to me) HO.LY.SHIT. (then, to all of Times Square) THAT'S VAN FUCKEN MORRISON!!!!
· Britney Spears eating at a table outside a restaurant at Sullivan and Spring in SoHo. Dressed like...Britney Spears [if you don't want to get noticed, don't wear your normal uniform of hip huggers and backless top]. Almost tripped and fell in to her when the guys in suits in front of me quickly slowed down to get a good look.

· At the steak house, strip house on east 12th saw Tom Green and that sidekick glen and some friends of his dining at around 10:00pm - Tom was casually dressed in a varsity jacket. A couple of tables down the very flamboyant designer Christopher Lowell from the TLC channel.
· George Plimpton was pacing the length of the downtown 4 5 6 86th Street subway station. He was wearing a pink button down shirt, grey slacks, and a pair of Nike hiking shoe/sneaker hybrids.