A reader report on last night's Coldplay concert at the China Club: "I thought I'd give you a little precis of the Coldplay Concert at China Club tonight, since their concerts tomorrow and Saturday are big news (ticket requests are burning up Craig's List). It was hosted by PLJ, the New York Post of radio stations (I admit it...I won tickets on-air) and interspersed between songs in their far-too-short set was a Q&A session for random audience members, hosted by dorky DJs Kim Ashley and Race Taylor (who slightly resembles an incipient Eddie Van Halen). The crowd was forewarned that certain areas were off-limits - questions about Gwyneth were strictly verboten (remarkably, the crowd steered clear). One jackass from Rockland County asked if any members of the band had 'had a rusty trombone since they've been in New York'the quick-witted, charming and oh-so cute Chris Martin responded that he'd 'leave that question for The Strokes.' Sadly, Gwyneth was nowhere in sight, and, after far too much boneheaded crowd participation and far too few songs (including 'In My Place' 'Yellow' and 'Clocks'), neither was Coldplay."