Blogger Choire Sicha has written an apology I'm hereby re-appropriating for occasional use on Gawker: "It has been brought to our attention that a week has passed with no breezily nasty stories about A) cabdrivers, B) smoking, C) stupid people in Manhattan, D) how awful Brooklyn is, and E) bad yoga experiences. We apologize for our topical deviations and promise A Return to Tradition next week (isn't it sweeps soon?). Frankly, we have been upset about new plotlines in the Martha/Rumsfeld/Hillary constructs of the military entertainment industrial complex this last week. We have been made extremely ill by it. Also, obviously, we are afloat in an extreme delightful romantic obsession. Also, Susan Sarandon nearly ran us down in her SUV yesterday (SUV = WWIII), topping off a truly surreal week...Next week: more shallow for you. Pinkie swear."
Pledge to our customers [Choire Sicha]