Jeff Jarvis reports that someone claiming to be a copyeditor at Simon & Schuster called the Howard Stern Show this morning and said he had a few pages that were cut from Hillary Clinton's book. "Hillary says that the night after Bill revealed his indiscretion, she did some soul-searching. She wondered whether her coldness drove him to find sex elsewhere. She wonders whether her life in politics made her less approachable. While her husband was in the study reading, she says here, she got another of Monica's dresses that Clinton had and a black wig that Chelsea had for a costume party and when Bill came into their bedroom she said, 'I'm your new intern.' And they had great sex." I don't buy it. If the "copyeditor" was reading from a page where she beat the shit out of Bill and screamed, "If you ever do that again, I'll fucking kill you!" then I might buy it. Hillary just isn't the maybe-it's-my-fault-my-husband-cheated type.
Hillary: the missing page [Buzzmachine]